GIS, Organization Ben Perry GIS, Organization Ben Perry

Richmond Hill - GIS Strategy

How we helped Richmond Hill develop a new GIS delivery model and a GIS Strategy.



Having worked with the Town previously on a corporate IT Strategy, we were asked to help with a GIS Review and Strategy. Like many organizations, GIS units had grown in Engineering, Planning and in IT, with other GIS staff sprinkled throughout the organization.

GIS was being integrated into the Town's core systems - Work Management, CRM, Permitting, Licensing and Land and the Town's dependence on GIS systems and GIS data was ever-growing.

Work practices and coordination had not kept up, and this was hindering


Through an extremely collaborative process, involving all players in the GIS we developed a strategy that recommended a series of changes.

This included the creation of a centralized GIS unit, the establishment of a GIS leadership position, a redefinition of all GIS roles and responsibilities with new job descriptions, a new governance model to ensure expected service levels to all areas of the business could continue to be met and a series of projects to standardize and improve datasets of high importance to the organization.


Budget: 75k
Timeline: 6 months
Participants in Strategy Development: 30+

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